Students in Mrs. Nicole Parkhurst’s first grade math class play a math game during a trecent WIN Math lesson.
Members of Attica’s Best Buddies chapter and the Wyoming Correctional Facility’s Make A Difference committee pose for a photo at Attica High School Oct. 24.
 Students in Mr. John Versage’s middle school career and technical education class harvest their first crop of lettuce, which was used by the district’ food service staff in dishes served to students during lunch. Students grew the lettuce using a new hydroponic grow system the district obtained last year.
A Harris Corners firefighter helps an Attica Elementary School student use a handline during Fire Prevention Day Oct. 6.
Students in Mrs. Becky Sphar’s “Foods on Your Own” class prepare pancakes last week as part of a challenge to see who could come up with the most delicious version. The finished pancakes were then graded by a panel of judges.
Custodian Brooke Schery poses for a photo next to her chalk drawing “whalecoming” elementary school students back for the 2022-23 school year.
FFA members Emily Peters, Logan Lyons, Erika Conrad, Brooke Luck, Claire Zehler, Larissa Hyman and Beau Hyman navigate the low ropes Mowhawk Trail course at the Oswegatchie Educational Center in Croghan, NY. Members took their annual trip to Oswegatchie from Sept. 17 to 19.
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Farm to School
Paul Fenton, owner-operator of Fenton’s Produce in Batavia, has been working with agriculture teacher Michelle Barber to improve yields in the district’s high tunnel greenhouse.
Attica Future Farmers of America chapter member Ty Baker mulches around a newly-planted spruce seedling earlier this spring.
Evan Dickhut, Brandon DuFour, Luke George and Sarah Kingswell, students in Mrs. Melissa Girdlestone’s intro to business class, made a circuit of Wyoming County earlier this month to learn more about the businesses and business owners that call the county home.
Pictured are Attica FFA members Anthony Grgurich, Morgan Capen, Will King, Ty Baker, Madelyn King, Jenison Wright, Erika Conrad, Boden Spink, Spencer Broughton, Kyle Carpenter and Larissa Hyman.
Attica's Board of Education has named Kiel Illg, Ph.D., the next superintendent of Attica Central Schools.